VIRTUAL - Empowering Rehabilitation in Trauma & Pain Recovery
Sponsored by Swiss Re and hosted at the Australian Retirement Trust, Brisbane.
Join us via a TEAMS LINK, for our annual ALUCA Rehab PD Day and networking event, to discover new insights into rehabilitation and claims management in life insurance. Our speakers include Julie O'Sullivan, Occupational Therapist at CWRS, who will explore the crucial role of Occupational Therapists in trauma recovery, with insights into the application of polyvagal nerve theory. You'll also hear from the Australian Society of Rehabilitation Counsellors (ASORC) on the latest developments in their forensic vocational assessments micro-credential and its potential impact on TPD claims assessment. Additionally, Neala Fulia, CEO & Founder of MoreGoodDays, will discuss evidence-based digital health solutions for managing chronic musculoskeletal pain, such as fibromyalgia and chronic back pain, highlighting how these tools democratise access to effective practices.
Julie O'Sullivan, Occupational Therapist, CWRS Alicia Gibbs, ALUCA Rehab Chair, on behalf of Jessica Cucchiaro and Margaret Black, ASORC Neala Fulia, CEO & Founder, MoreGoodDays